Join us at SuomiAreena

SuomiAreena is Finland’s largest social forum where current societal issues are discussed by politicians, experts, and the public. Nordic co-operation will host debates on areas such as culture, sustainability, peace, security, and technological development.

Matti Tenhunen/Democracy Festivals

On 26 and 27 June 2024, the Nordic Council of Ministers and its partners will host four events at Finland’s largest social festival, SuomiAreena in Pori.

All events will be in Finnish and streamed live.


Wednesday 26 June

11:00 to 11:45: The doors open to the world: Sustainability for security – and for culture?

With the Finnish Cultural and Academic Institutes and Hanaholmen – the Swedish-Finnish Cultural Centre

Location: Vaakunan lava, Gallen-Kallelankatu 7

Link to the event


12:00 to 12:45: Towards a sustainable Nordic Region – how can we promote responsible consumption?

Together with the Nordic Swan ecolabel

Location: Raatihuoneenpuiston lava, Teatterikatu 7

Link to the event


14:00 to 14:45: The world is in crisis – what can we do for peace and stability?

With Helena Ranta Forum and World Food Programme

Location: Vaakunan lava, Gallen-Kallelankatu 7

Link to the event

Thursday 27 June

15:00 to 15:45: Ethical AI – how can the Nordic countries lead the way? 

Together with Nordic Innovation

Location: Kauppakeskus Puuvillan lava, Siltapuistokatu 10–12

Link to the event


All debates will be streamed.



Anna Starckman

+358 50 4661 401