Nordic Growth Sectors - How can working life policies contribute to improving the framework conditions?

Key findings and policy recommendations of the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Globalisation Project


The Nordic welfare states are facing new challenges in an increasingly globalised world. Fiercer competition has underlined the need for the Nordics to enhance competitiveness – and to support and nurse growth in industry and businesses. This report presents the key findings and policy recommendations of the project “Nordic Growth Sectors.” Having identified growth companies in the Nordics, the project analyses growth drivers, the match between supply and demand of labour, the work environment in the companies, and growth and other companies’ perceptions of existing framework conditions and improvement needs. Based on the analyses and on a Nordic Policy Forum held in Copenhagen with participation of policymakers from the central administrations, labour market organisations, universities and growth companies, a set of policy reccommendations are developed, the most important of which are to Introduce more flexible retirement schemesDeminish international recruitment red tapePrepare graduates better for employmentCreate national work environment “barometers”Introduce more flexible child care facilitiesCarry out cost-benefit analysis of complex regulation