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Sustainable Nordic cities with focus on climate smart mobility

03.02.21 | Evenemang
Welcome to the virtual conference Sustainable Nordic cities with focus on climate smart mobility,
3 February 2021!


09:30 - 15:30

Are you working with transport, energy or urban planning in Nordic cities/regions or national authorities? Then we welcome you to attend our conference where you will receive answers as well as a possibility to discuss questions like:

  • How do we travel, and transport goods in a sustainable city?
  • Young people's views on mobility today?
  • Zero emission zones - how can they be designed?
  • Successful virtual meetings and efficient distance working - how to do it?
  • How to plan Super Cycle Highways?
  • The role of Nordic public actors in the deployment of charging infrastructure?
  • How do we make it easier to find a charging station?

Participate in presentations from the Nordic region that share good examples and lessons learned on climate-smart mobility and sustainable cities. We also give you the opportunity to influence the content of the conference.

Register here

If you register before 25 January we will send you a Nordic Lunch Experience.

Send us a question, challenge, experience or project that you would like to discuss during the conference

Your input can be turned into a breakout session, matchmaking group or raised as a question during the plenary session.


9:30   Log in and mingel with Nordic friends

10:00 Welcome and Check in

10:10 Benefits of Nordic Cooperation

10:30 Project results

12:00 Nordic lunch

12:45 Breakout sessions - Dive deeper and discuss projects, challenges, good examples on climate smart mobility

13:15 Panel - Pioneering Nordic cities in climate smart mobility

14:10 Inspirational lecture - Successful Nordic cooperation and the way forward

14:30 Summary and end of Plenary Session

14:40 Break

14:50 Matchmaking

15:30 End of Conference

An activity within the project Sustainable Nordic cities with focus on climate smart mobility

The Conference is the final activity within the project Sustainable Nordic cities with focus on climate smart mobility which is one of four projects launched during the Swedish Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2018. The project has been led by the Swedish Energy Agency in collaboration with the Swedish Transport Administration financed by the Nordic Ministry of Councils.