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GLASGOW: COP26 - A milestone for Combating Climate Change? Swedish and German Perspectives

12.11.21 | Evenemang
Choosing green nordic perspectives
Campaign photo
Live reporting with expert discussions on priorities and roles


10:30 - 12:00

SEC Centre, Hall 4
Exhibition Way
G3 8YW


A panel with negotiators and youth representatives will report live from the ongoing negotiations at COP26 in Glasgow and together with experts take the pulse of the negotiations and discuss the priorities and roles of Sweden, Germany and the other negotiating parties on the road towards implementing the Paris Agreement.

Moderator: Oliver Hasenkamp, Officer for Public Affairs, United Nations Association of Germany


  • Johan Rockström, Director of the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
  • Mattias Frumerie, Swedish Climate Ambassador and Chief Negotiator
  • Jule Zentek, young freelance journalist for Westdeutscher Rundfunk (WDR), Instagram channel "klima.neutral"
  • Fredrika Andersson, Swedish Youth Representative to COP26
  • Per Thöresson, Sweden’s Ambassador to Germany
  • Karsten Sach, Director General at the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Safety

Organizer: Swedish Embassy in Berlin 

Co-organizer: United Nations Association of Germany


Online access to all events

No accreditation to COP26? Don’t worry! All events will be streamed by our media partner, We Don’t Have Time. Follow this event live on their COP26 streaming hub: