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Opportunity for economic support for cooperation between Québec and the Nordic countries

08.12.17 | Nyhed
Kunstudstilling i Reykjavik
Yadid Levy /
Are you two or more partners in the Nordic region and do you want to implement projects with Québec on culture and innovation? The provincial governments of Quebec and the Nordic Council of Ministers have commonly developed an opportunity to provide support for partnerships and projects creating cooperation in the areas of culture and innovation. The deadline for applying for funds is 15 February 2018.

In the Nordic Council of Ministers program called "Cooperation with the Nordic neighbors in the west", cooperation with the provincial government of Quebec has been established.

The provincial government of Quebec and the Nordic Council of Ministers signed a Letter of Intent on 27 February 2015 with the overall aim of increasing knowledge of each other's regions and creating real cooperation between stakeholders in Quebec and the Nordic countries.

In the implementation of the Letter of Intent, consensus has been reached on creating a pool to support cooperation between Quebec and the Nordic region in the areas of culture and innovation.

Deadline has passed for 2018!

Below you can find the result of the first Joint Call for Cooperation between the Nordic Council of Ministers and the Provincial Government of Québec. In total NCM received 14 applications, and the average grant size is around 35.000 DKK

In 2018 funds are granted to the following 8 projects – 4 projects in the field of culture, and 4 projects in the field of research/innovation:

  1. Québec Nordic cooperation on future of books and literature (culture)

    UiT the Arctic University of Norway, University of Iceland & Université du Québec à Montréal

    This project is a part of concerted effort between Québec and the Nordic countries to better share their literary expertise and their proposals on the future of books and literature. The project includes organization of round table discussions, translations and workshops to better manage, sustain and strengthen multilateral collaboration between the involved partners.


  2. Digital storytelling – workshop and think tank (culture)

    Danish Film Institute, Swedish Film Institute & SODEC

    The project between SODEC, DFI and SFI aims to strengthen the relationship between the three countries by encouraging the knowledge transfer between companies, institutions and creatives of the three countries. A workshop on new digital storytelling and a Think Tank will be organized – both in Copenhagen.


  3. North West passage (culture)

    Insomnia Festival Tromsø, Intonal Festival Malmö & MUTEK Festival Montréal

    The project aims to promote innovative artworks in the field of digital art and electronic music by inviting four artists from the Nordic countries to participate in the MUTEK festival in Montréal and four artists from Québec to participate in either Insomnia Festival or Intonal Festival.


  4. Crossing missions for young presenters in circus arts (culture)

    CircusInfo Finland, Subtopia/Subcase & TOHU

    Québec, Sweden and Finland have a strong tradition for contemporary circus production. The project is targeted at young presenters and producers and aims to give them tools in specific capacities and competencies in the process of taking their first steps in international networking and career paths.


  5. Smart mobility applied in a Northern commuter climate (research/innovation)

    Nordic Edge, City of Tampere & IVEO

    The project aims to exchange and share knowledge on the Nordic countries unique perspective and challenges in the field of Smart Cities, Smart Technology and Mobility. Common challenges exist in connection to sub-urban, commuter-based territories, and winter. These topics are the project’s focus and will be realized through facilitation of exchange of best practices, establishing new partnerships between governments, private companies, start-ups and academic institutions. 


  6. Climate, forestry and water  (research/innovation)  

    Norwegian Institute for Water Research, Department of Aquatic Sciences and Assessment/Swedish Agricultural University & Université Laval

    The purpose of this project is to set up and consolidate a network of environmental scientists working on the common theme of sustainable forestry and water quality in the light of new policy measures related to preventing and/or adapting to climate change. The project will specifically aim to elucidate the environmental impacts of increased forestry intensity on freshwaters by exchanging knowledge, methods and techniques.



  7. Tools, methods and algorithms for radiation detection (research/innovation)

    University of Uppsala, Risø Department DTU & McGill University

    The aim of the project is to ensure exchange of knowledge, ideas and experiences in the field of radiotherapy as an effective and safe treatment of cancer. This will lead to optimization and further development of the detectors, algorithms and methods for improvement of detection and treatment of cancer, as radiotherapy is an effective and safe treatment for cancer between the collaborating universities.


  8. Health care BIM energy 2018 (research/innovation)

    Lund University, Oslo and Akershus University & École de technologie supérieure (ETS)

    The main purpose of this project is to analyse the current design process involved in large healthcare BIM (Building Information Model) supported building projects with the aim to propose improvements in the information flow and work process. The project also aims to create a network of experts in BIM and energy modelling across the three countries, which will contribute to develop highly skilled BIM expertise in energy-efficient hospital design.