Apply for accreditation to the Nordic Council Theme Session

22.02.17 | News
Magnus Fröderberg/
The Nordic Council will debate the question “What do developments in the USA mean for the Nordic Region?” at the 2017 Theme Session in Stockholm on April 3–4. Among those taking part in the debate will be the Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Margot Wallström. Journalists are invited to apply for accreditation.

The spring meetings and Theme Session of the Nordic Council will start on Monday 3 April in the Swedish parliament with meetings of the party groups, the committees and the Presidium.

On the Tuesday, the full Council will gather for the Theme Session and a debate on the topical theme The Nordic Region and the USA – the new situation in the Chamber from 10–11:30.

The debate, in Scandinavian, Finnish and Icelandic, will be open to the media. It will also be streamed online in Scandinavian.

  • Link to live stream from the Theme Session (

After the debate, Margot Wallström will be available to the media for brief comments outside the Chamber at approx. 11:30. Frank Bakke-Jensen, the Norwegian Minister for Nordic Co-operation and Nina Fellman, his counterpart from Åland will also be available to the media.

The President and Vice-president of the Nordic Council and the chairs of the party groups will attend a press conference in the Chamber immediately after the debate at approx. 12:05.

The Session will then resume in the Chamber at 13:00, when the Council will discuss proposals submitted by its members, and close at 15:00.


Journalists wishing to cover the Session must submit this form by 16:00 on Wednesday 31 March.

A valid press card is a prerequisite for accreditation. Journalists may apply for travel costs.

All information on the Theme Session will be updated regularly here: