Nordic support for a solid global environmental governance

23.05.16 | News
Rennende vann
Silje Bergum Kinsten/
The Nordic Council of Ministers for the environment is prepared to support the implementation of the Agenda 2030 and its Sustainable Development Goals regarding the key environmental challenges including combatting marine litter. To this end, the council has reserved 1,2 million DKK (USD 181 000) to be channeled through the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA).

The decision follows up the Nordic Environment Ministers' meeting in April, where the ministers signed a joint Nordic statement on bringing forward Nordic priorities for the Second United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-2) meeting in Nairobi 23-27 May.

The Nordic countries have been strong supporters of United Nations Environment Programme since its formation some forty years ago. Today, the United Nations Environmental Assembly and the United Nations Environmental Programme are envisaged to play a significant role in the implementation of Agenda 2030 on sustainable development and in promoting rapid implementation of the Paris agreement, the ministers conclude in a joint statement.

Environment and Health critical links for development

In their statement, The Nordic Council of Ministers for the Environment (MR-M) also welcome the focus on a healthy environment and its relation to human health at the UNEA-2 session in Nairobi. The joint statement recognizes the strong interlinkages between health and the environment, which must be taken into account for the effective implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.

According to the Nordic ministers, actions to improve the state of the global environment and human well-being should build on key strengths of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), in particular to improve air and water quality, the sustainable management of the marine environment, and to achieve the sound management of chemicals and waste for which a good global framework for the future is needed. To this end, UNEP will also have an important role in promoting sustainable consumption and production (SCP) patterns.

Read the full statement:
Joint Nordic Statement to the Second United Nations Environment Assembly UNEA