Nordic CleanTechMarket Survey

A semi-qualitative survey of the Nordic Cleantech market of demands and where further support will be needed to accelerate a sustainable development and efficient use of environmental friendly technology


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Municipalities, counties and similar public organizations represent a dominating share of negative environmental impact in society. The result of this project will, in the long run, be a major increase of awareness, followed by an increased use of new technologies and opportunities that will decrease negative environmental impact of the involved areas. This survey include areas such as waste handling, waste water purification, energy (power plants and district heating), real estate, vehicle handling, sports facilities, swimming pools, large-scale kitchens, transports, waterworks, and road building. These 12 areas all pose some kind of negative impact on our environment, through inefficient use of energy, use of chemicals and inefficient use of other resources. All 12 areas involve a large number of small and medium enterprises and their innovative products and services that make a contribution to decrease a negative impact on the environment. The survey was performed as a gap analysis with values from what was considered to be important and what was considered as reached progress in the areas concerned. The values are presented in dot- and spider-diagrams where the countries arithmetic average on respective survey area has been plotted out in respect to the gap value. The values are also aggregated into a diagram for the Nordic countries. The diagrams are reflecting the aggregated score with the total number of municipalities participating in the survey. In the result some clear observations can be made.
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