Nordic view on EU energy efficiency targets

Nordic view on the next generation of EU energy efficiency targets


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EU has a target for energy efficiency for 2020, namely a 20 % reduction in theprimary energy consumption relative to the PRIMES 2007 forecast for 2020.According to the new energy efficiency directive, that was agreed upon inJune 2012, the target is that primary energy consumption must be no morethan 1,474 Mtoe or that final energy consumption must be no more than1,078 Mtoe by 2020. This is an absolute target for EU as a whole. There are nobinding targets for member states.Due to the time lapse from goal setting, to policy formulation and practicalimplementation it is found that 2020 is just around the corner, and that it ishigh time to start discussion about the next goals. This could be concrete targetsfor 2030 and indicative targets for 2050. In this report target design andpolicy instruments are discussed from a Nordic perspective: Is it relevant tohave an energy efficiency target? Should targets for energy efficiency be set interms of primary energy or final energy? In absolute numbers or in relativenumbers? Whether and how to divide the burden sharing? What are the Nordicpositions of strength with regard to policy instruments?
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