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WEBINAR: The Nordics go digital – How does it fit with Europe’s move to a Digital Age?

03.03.21 | Tapahtuma
Unge og digitalisering
Over the past few years, the Nordic Council has increasingly focused on the rapid development of the various forms of digitalization within our societies, whether consumer related, health care related or security related.


10:00 - 12:00


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All of the Nordic countries are experiencing similar needs and challenges, and the European Commission has made digitalization one of its main priorities until 2024. This is why the Nordic Council wishes to engage with members of the European Parliament, the European Commission and members of the national parliaments of the Nordic countries in a joint EU-Nordic webinar on digitalization in the context of the EU’s agenda and the challenges faced due to the global pandemic. The focus of the debates will be on industry and education, and the aim is to explore which steps are most urgently required, and what kind of concrete measures should be taken to speed up digital development on both a Nordic and a European level.

The programme will continously be updated.

Programme (all times are CET)

10:00  Welcome from the Moderator

              Mette Walsted Vestergaard



10:05 Preparation for the Digital Age, opening remarks

             Pyry Niemi

             Chair of the Committee on Growth and Development, Nordic Council

             Morten Løkkegaard

             Member of IMCO and INGE Committee, European Parliament

Session on industry, consumers and societal challenges

A new digital era is upon us, and Europe needs to react in order to exploit the opportunities that the increasing digitalization generates and avoid dangerous pitfalls along the way. Can we develop a trusted and secure European e-ID? How can we avoid dominance by a few technological giants? Can we secure good working conditions and consumer rights? And how can the Nordics contribute to the required preparation?

10:15 How do we make Europe fit for the Digital Age?

              Werner Stengg

              Cabinet expert on digitalization, Cabinet Vestager, European Commission


10:20 Preparing the Nordics for the Digital Age

              Sirpa Paatero

              Minister of Local Government, Finland


10:25 Digitally transforming European Industries

              Rikke Hougaard Zeberg

              CEO, DI Digital, Digital Europe


10:30 European Parliament perspectives on Europe’s digital transformation

              Rikke Hougaard Zeberg

              CEO, DI Digital, Digital Europe


10:35 Debate with speakers on the digital challenges

              Questions from Nordic Parliamentarians, MEPs and the audience

Session on education and a digital future

The Covid-19 pandemic has forced educational systems to go digital at a pace that was not foreseeable just a year ago. Schools have been quick to readjust, using digital platforms and tools for distance learning. While this has worked well for most teachers and pupils, it has also revealed gaps with regards to, for example, the digital competences of teachers and pupils, pupils’ access to the digital infrastructure, and a fair and inclusive digital teaching environment. The European Commission has released an Action Plan for Digital Education 2021-2027. How can the Nordics take a lead in the implementation of the plan?

11:00 Bridging the digital gap in education, opening remarks

              Bertel Haarder

              President of the Nordic Council


11:05 Making Europe fit for digital education

              Isidro Laso Ballesteros

              Cabinet Expert on Education, Cabinet Gabriel, European Commission


11:15 Can the Nordics lead on digital education?

              Marianne Synnes Emblesvåg

              Member of the Nordic Council


11:25 Bridging the gap in digital education - political priorities

              Sabine Verheyen

              Chair of Committee on Culture and Education, European Parliament


11:35 Debate with speakers on educational needs in the context of Covid-19

              Questions from Nordic Parliamentarians, MEPs and the audience


11:55 Closing reflections on the webinar

              Angelika Bengtsson

              Vice-Chair of the Committee for Knowledge and Culture in the Nordic Region


12:00 Close by the Moderator