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Should we prioritise the energy and climate crisis, or the biodiversity crisis?

18.06.22 | Tapahtuma
In order for the Nordic Region to become the most sustainable region in the world, we must become independent of coal, oil, and gas, and completely adapt to using wind or solar energy instead. However, a major expansion of offshore wind farms will put pressure on nature, which already faces difficult conditions.


16:30 - 17:30

Røgeriets Debattelt (F13)

Debate meeting

Denmark and the Nordic Region are in the middle of two different crises: An energy and climate crisis, and a biodiversity crisis. How do we go about solving them both at the same time? 

In order for Denmark and the Nordic Region to become the most sustainable region in the world, we must become independent of coal, oil, and gas, and completely adapt to using wind or solar energy instead. Fortunately, it’s really windy in Danish waters. Especially in the North Sea which, of all the European sea areas, has the greatest potential for developing energy from offshore wind.

However, a major expansion of offshore wind farms will put pressure on nature, which already faces difficult conditions. The Danish Environmental Protection Agency’s measurements of the level of nutrients, harmful chemicals, and microplastics, and the status of animal and plant life show that the overall ecological condition of Danish waters is poor.

That’s why we’re asking: How can Denmark and the Nordic Region solve both crises at the same time and have activities in and by the sea, which take the climate, nature, and business interests into consideration? 


  • Marton Leander Vølstad, consultant, Nordic Energy Research
  • Morten Dyrholm, Group Senior Vice President, Vestas     
  • Rasmus Nordqvist, member of the Nordic Council