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Fundur fólksins 2022: Seeds for the future - How and what do we cultivate in a changing climate?

16.09.22 | Tapahtuma
Christoffer Askman / Ritzau Scanpix
The climate crisis poses both threats and new possibilities for agriculture. How do we adapt cultivation to a warming climate, and are there opportunities to expand production and introduce new types of crops in high latitudes?


13:00 - 13:40

Fundur fólksins
The Nordic house

Debate meeting

Please note: Times are local time - GMT.

The COVID-19 pandemic, and the War in Ukraine, have laid bare the vulnerability of Nordic food systems. But even more so, the looming climate crisis poses major food security challenges.

A key aspect in the transition towards more sustainable and resilient food systems is to increase the domestic consumption and production of vegetables and grains. The climate crisis, however, poses both threats and new possibilities for agriculture.

How do we adapt cultivation to a warming climate, and are there opportunities to expand production and introduce new types of crops in high latitudes? The topic is particularly pertinent in Iceland, an island which is heavily reliant upon imported food.

Icelandic agriculture is currently able to provide around 43% of the vegetables and 1% of the grains consumed locally. It could, however, become possible grow previously unimaginable crops in high latitudes. What does this mean for Iceland, and even the Arctic region?


  • Daði Már Kristófersson, Professor of Economics
  • Michael Lyngkjær, Plant Senior Scientist at NordGen
  • Hrönn Ólína Jörundsdóttir, Director General at Icelandic Food and Veterinary Authority
  • Nicholas Ian Robinson, organic farmer and Phd candidate in Geography

Moderator: Guðrún Sóley Gestsdóttir