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Youth mental health in schools – a Nordic perspective

07.12.22 | Tapahtuma
Nordisk undervisning_Dueholmskolen
Bo Amstrup/Ritzau Scanpix
The Nordic Council of Ministers and The Nordic Network on mental well-being among young people in the Nordic countries
invite you to a webinar.


13:00 - 14:30




Findings from the work in the Nordic Network
By Dag Lund Fallingen Halkjær, special consultant, the National Board of Social Services, Denmark

"Health and life skills” in Norwegian schools
By Siri Hausland Folstad, PhD candidate and Maud Edvoll, PhD candidate, Department of Psychology, University of Oslo, Norway.

The interdisciplinary topic “Health and Life Skills” was implemented in all Norwegian schools in 2020. Have previous curricular change involving mental health been evaluated? The talk will introduce the current state of knowledge in Norway and abroad, and discuss possible consequences of including “Health and Life Skills” in Norwegian schools.

Icelandic mental health promotion in schools
By Sigrun Danielsdottir, cand.psych/MSc, Directorate of Health, Iceland.

As part of the Nordic Network, Sigrun Danielsdottir has contributed to the previous publications in the network. She will give an overview of the Icelandic work on mental health promotion, prevention and support for children and youth in Icelandic schools based on a thorough Icelandic survey in 2019. A school staff perspective will be included in her presentation.

What is the Nordic Network on mental well-being among young people in the Nordic countries?

Denmark held the presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2020 and initiated an interdisciplinary priority project entitled Nordic Youth in Sustainable Communities. The project runs from 2020 to 2022 and consists of three tracks, where The Nordic Network manages the third track. The Network consists of representatives from the national boards of health, welfare and/or social services in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, the Faroe Islands and Greenland. The project is carried out with support from the Nordic Council of Ministers.

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