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The Nordic Region Accepting the Challenge

01.02.23 | Tapahtuma
SDG – Sustainable Development Goals
Nordic Council of Ministers are hosting the event "The Nordic Region Accepting the Challenge" during the annual SDG Week in Copenhagen, taking place 31 January - 3 February 2023.
You can take part in person or online, or you can watch live streaming of the event on Facebook.


11:00 - 14:00

Eigtveds pakhus
Strandgade 25D


The Nordic Council of Ministers' Vision 2030 aim to make the Nordic region the most sustainable and integrated region in the world in 2030. Vision 2030 has a a lot in common with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals so it is only natural that Nordic Council of Ministers take part in the annual SDG Week-event in Copenhagen.

In three separate talks Nordic Council of Ministers and guests wil discuss different aspects of sustainability and just transition in the Nordics under the headline "The Nordic Region Accepting the Challenge". 

11:00 AM - 12:05 PM: How sustainable is the Nordic region?

The Nordic Prime Ministers' vision is that the Nordic region must be the most sustainable and integrated region in the world by 2030 and for many actors in the Nordic region the SDG’s are the starting point for their work to create a more sustainable society.

But how far have we really come in achieving the SDG’s - what are the Nordic countries doing, where are we on target and where do we need to strengthen our efforts towards 2030? 

Panellists and speakers:

  • Åsa Hildestrand, Senior Project Manager Agenda 2030, Nordregio
  • Kim Gabrielli, CEO, UN Global Compact Norway
  • Katherine Richardson, Professor, University of Copenhagen
  • Per Mickwitz. Pro Vice-Chancellor, Lund University

12:20 PM - 1:15 PM: How can we ensure a just transition in the Nordics?

With the transition to a more sustainable society, we see various consequences for our economies, in which climate and biodiversity policies might cause jobs to disappear or challenge the traditional livelihood of local communities. This can result in resistance and vulnerability among certain groups and might lead to protests and political opposition to the transition.

The question is how we can ensure a more sustainable society and make sure that vulnerable groups are not adversely affected by the transition, and that political support is maintained. 

Panellists and speakers:

  • Nora Sanchez Gassen, Senior Research Fellow, Nordregio
  • Selma de Montgomery, Fridays For Future
  • Mads Flarup Christensen, General Secretary, Greenpeace Norden

1:15 PM - 1:50 PM: How do we achieve sustainable consumption in the Nordics?

One of the big challenges in the Nordic region if we are to achieve the SDG’s by 2030 is our consumption. Compared to other regions in the world, we emit large amounts of greenhouse gases and other pollutants through our purchase and use of goods.

We take stock of what our consumption means for climate and biodiversity, how we can measure it and look to solutions on making sustainability the easy choice for consumers.

Panellists and speakers:

  • Anja Phillip, formand, Forbrugerrådet Tænk
  • Katarina Axelsson, research fellow, Stockholm Environment Institute


The event will be held in English.


You can take part in the events (in person or online). For registration, please go to Altinget's website:

The SDG Week-event is hosted by 2030-panelet, Global Compact Network Danmark, Altinget og Tænketanken Mandag Morgen.