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Contract on Evaluation of The Könberg Report Measures within the Nordic Health cooperation

04.09.23 | Tukimahdollisuudet
The objective of this assignment is to generate a comprehensive evaluation of the measures implemented as a result of the Könberg Report on the future Nordic health cooperation in order to assess what areas of cooperation may be valuable and relevant for further cooperation within the Nordic region.


Julkiset hankinnat
Pe, 2023/09/15 - 12:00
Aiheeseen liittyvä organisaatio
800.000 DKK

How can the experiences from the work that is already underway best be utilised when developing the future co-operation on health? Are there any areas where the cooperation can be strengthened further, or areas that do not need to be prioritised in areas such as primary care and public health?


Maximum price for the contract is DKK 800.000 excl. VAT.


The tender with all documents including any appendices to the solution description, must be submitted in English, Danish, Norwegian or Swedish language.