Livslang lærings rolle i den digitale transformation

Hard to reach citizens


In 2020–2022, a research project was conducted that aimed at identifying extant Nordic challenges and contribute to the development of joint Nordic solutions that support learning for everyone in an increasing digital society.Concretely, this entails solutions that support the development of digital competences of adults with a special emphasis on citizens that are hard to reach. The project has been inspired by design-based research (DBR) which means that it contributes to theory through the production of recommendations for policymakers and practitioners involved in work that concerns digital inclusion as well as toolkit for conversation. The toolkit is accessible on the website NVL Digital (insert link). Furthermore, working with inspiration from DBR also means to work collaboratively with different stakeholders – throughout all the research phases. In the current project, these include citizens, professionals, middle and senior managers within the public sector as well as the civil society, but also members of the network NVL Digital.Below, you will find the beforementioned recommendations, that materialized as a result of the research process throughout the year of 2021. The recommendations are presented in sequence addressing respectively a macro- (society), meso- (organization) and micro-perspective (individual/group).The first two recommendations primarily address the macro-level, illustrating ways of conceptualizing the citizens’ encounter with a digital society. The third recommendation targets the meso-level and organizational prioritizations framing the collaborations with the citizens. Recommendation four and five address the micro-level, and thus the interactions between citizens and professionals in their collaborations around digital inclusion.