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Three new Nordic Masters courses

27.01.14 | Fréttir
Nordiska flaggor
Johannes Jansson/norden.org
The three new Nordic Master Programmes that have now been awarded approximately one million Danish kroner are – Nordic Master in Cold Climate Engineering, Glass Design and Joint Nordic Master in Cultural Leadership.

The Nordic Master Programme (NMP) is part of the Nordic Council of Ministers' efforts to promote higher education in the Nordic Region. At least three Nordic universities as a consortium can apply for funding from the Nordic Council of Ministers to start up a Nordic Master Programme.

The programmes that have now been awarded funds are:

  • The Programme Joint Nordic Master in Cultural Leadership will be co-ordinated by Telemark University College, in partnership with the University of Borås and the University of Copenhagen.
  • The Programme Glass Design will be co-ordinated by Linnaeus University in Växjö, in partnership with Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture and The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation.
  • The programme Nordic Master in Cold Climate Engineering will be co-ordinated by the Technical University of Denmark, in partnership with Aalto University and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.          

Since 2007 18 new NMPs have been granted funding. The approved NMPs are characterised by a high degree of academic excellence and mobility between the Nordic countries. In most cases, the programmes offer the students the opportunity to live and study in at least two Nordic countries during their two years in the programme. Satisfaction amongst the Nordic Master students is very high and in a student survey in 2012 up to 93% said that they would recommend the programme. They said that mobility was the element that particularly attracted them to the programme.

Since 2007 the NMP has been driven as a pilot project under the auspices of the Nordic Council of Ministers. From 2015 the Nordic Council of Ministers is planning to make NMP a permanent offering.