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Honorary degree conferred for contributions to Nordic media research

02.06.15 | Fréttir
Ulla Carlsson, promoverad för sin nordiska medieforskning
Jonas Andersson
“The one person who has meant the most to Nordic media research”. These were the words bestowed upon Ulla Carlsson, former director of the Nordic institution Nordicom, as she was conferred an honorary doctorate at the prestigious Lund University.

Ulla Carlsson, professor at JMG at the University of Gothenburg and former director of Nordicom, received an honorary doctorate at Lund University at the annual conferment ceremony on 29 May 2015.  

The motivations are that Ulla Carlsson is the one person who has been key to the development of Swedish and Nordic media research. She has also contributed greatly to the institutionalisation of the subject at Swedish universities and colleges, and was responsible for the development of Nordicom, having been its director since its inception. Through publishing activities at Nordicom in the form of both magazines and books, she has put Swedish and Nordic media research on the international map. In addition, she has conducted her own outstanding research and is a major source of inspiration for researchers who are already established, as well as those starting out in their research careers.

Congratulations from the Nordic Council of Ministers!