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GLASGOW: Creation of the Systematic Observations Financing Facility

03.11.21 | Viðburður
Choosing green nordic perspectives
Campaign photo
Innovating finance for weather and climate observations


18:15 - 19:00

SEC Centre, Hall 4
Exhibition Way
G3 8YW


At this high-level event, WMO, UNEP and UNDP will announce the creation of the Systematic Observations Finance Facility. SOFF provides the foundations for effective international response to climate change. It will fill critical data gaps from the most vulnerable countries that undermine efforts to build climate resilience across the globe.


  • Christopher Gunness

Opening remarks

  • Selwin Hart, Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Climate Action and Assistant Secretary-General for the Climate Action Team (in person), referring opening remarks by Antonio Guterres, UN Secretary General
  • Petteri Taalas, WMO Secretary General (in person)
  • Usha Rao-Monari, Under-Secretary-General and Associate Administrator of UNDP (in person)
  • Inger Andersen, UNEP Executive Director (in person)


  • H.E. José Ulisses de Pina Correia e Silva, Prime Minister, Cabo Verde (in person)
  • H.E. Frank Bainimarama, Prime Minister, Fiji (in person)
  • H.E. Flemming Møller Mortensen, Minister for Development Cooperation and Minister for Nordic Cooperation, Denmark (virtual)
  • Henrik Franklin, Director, Nordic Development Fund (virtual)
  • H.E. Peter Launsky, Secretary-General, Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs, Austria (virtual)
  • H.E. State Secretary, Bjørg Sandkjær, Norway (virtual)
  • Mari Pangestu, World Bank Managing Director (in person)


  • Jennifer Topping, Executive Director, UN Multi-Partner Trust Fund (UN-MPTF) Office

Closing remarks

  • Selwin Hart, Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Climate Action and Assistant Secretary-General for the Climate Action Team (virtual)


Organizer: WMO 

Others involved: UNDP and UNEP

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