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Arendal Week 2022


Arendalsuka folk

Tor Erik Schrøder, NTB, Ritzau Scanpix
15 to 18 August 2022: Arendal Week in Norway

The democracy festival in Arendal will once again be this year’s largest venue for those with an interest in politics and society. The Nordic Council of Ministers is on hand to discuss Nordic challenges and solutions for how we will create the world’s most sustainable and integrated region. Visit us at the Nordic tent at Rådhuskaia in Arendal, Norway! You can also follow the events via livestream wherever you are in the Nordic Region.  


15 August at 16:00: Young people’s mental health – how can we prevent all suicide?

Too many young people in the Nordic Region are struggling with mental challenges. This affects wellbeing, can lead to isolation, and ultimately lead some to take their own lives. Why can it go so wrong and what can we do about it?

16 August at 08:30: Circular market diplomacy in the Nordic Region

Local markets need ambassadors more than ever. How should ambassadors best be used to accelerate the development of the circular market across countries?

16 August at 10:30: 70 years of the Nordic Council – Security in the Nordic Region

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine – what is the Nordic Region doing? How should the joint reaction of the Nordic countries be to the Russian aggression, and what measures should the Nordic countries take to ensure peace and stability in our region?

16 August at 13:00: Ukraine and the refugee crisis – how should we respond?

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has triggered one of the fastest growing refugee crises since World War II. How should we respond to the new wave of refugees in terms of accepting them in the best possible way? What can we learn from 2015? And what can we learn from our Nordic neighbours when it comes to housing, language learning, acceptance of unaccompanied children, and children in general into families?

16 August at 14:30: Nordic education – reality or fantasy?

ANSA (Association of Norwegian Students Abroad) and Info Norden (Nordic Council of Ministers’ information service) invite you to a debate where we discuss challenges around Nordic mobility and higher education.

17 August at 09:00: Circular diplomacy – Nordic co-operation, is it a joke?

Why should we co-operate on the circular economy in the Nordic Region? Wouldn’t it be better just to focus on Norway? How can a common voice in the Nordic Region make a difference? What are companies’ experiences of this in practice?

17 August at 10:30: The sea – must we choose between protection or exploitation?

Today we’re facing two crises that must be solved at the same time – an energy and climate crisis, and a biodiversity crisis. How do we put in place a comprehensive plan for our seas, which takes into account the climate, nature, diverse business interests, and our neighbours? Can we be too pragmatic when making plans for aquaculture?

17 August at 13:00: Future construction – sustainability in the driving seat

Future construction must be sustainable – but how should we build, which materials should we use, and what about architecture? The challenges in the construction industry are obvious: The construction industry accounts for about 40 percent of global CO2 emissions. The good news is that something can be done about it!

18 August at 08:30: Nordic AI & data – a joint strategy. What can we learn from each other?

Our vision is for the Nordic Region to become the leading region for digitalisation, ethical AI, and responsible use of data by 2030. What will it take to overcome the obstacles and achieve this vision? What are our strengths and what best practices can we draw from the Nordic countries?

18 August at 12:30: Sustainable financing yields results – how Norwegian companies can contribute to the green transition

The seminar presents the international financial institutions Nefco and NIB, and shows how sustainable finance is helping their customers to contribute to accelerating the green transition in Norway and around the world.