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Summit on the emotional wellbeing of children: School as the venue for mental health promotion, prevention and early intervention

28.03.19 | Arrangement
In cooperation with the Nordic Council of Ministers, a summit will be held in Reykjavík, Iceland, 28th March 2019, with the theme: School as the venue for mental health promotion, prevention and early intervention.


09:30 - 17:30

Grand Hotel
Sigtún 38
105 Reykjavik


Globally there is growing awareness of the fundamental importance of emotional wellbeing and good mental health.  In the past decades, great progress has been achieved and effective innovative treatments for mental disorders have been developed and implemented. This work needs to continue. However, we have also come to realize that proactive and preventative measures are needed to promote social and emotional well-being. Since most mental health problems develop in youth we need to focus our efforts on this window of vulnerability and change it into a window of opportunity. During childhood, we have the chance and responsibility to build the resilience and skills needed to cope with life's difficulties and foster happiness and well-being throughout the lifespan.

The school provides a unique venue to reach all children in society. Active collaboration between sectors, with the school at the heart of mental health promotion, prevention and early intervention, can most effectively support children and adolescents when and where they need it the most.

The focus of this Summit will be on the opportunities present in the educational system for promoting social and emotional well-being, prevention, early identification and effective intervention for behavioral, social and emotional difficulties. Nordic and international speakers - researchers, practitioners, policy makers and youth - will join hands to make this Summit an exciting and inspiring endeavour. The Summit will take place at Grand Hotel in Reykjavík Iceland on March 28th, 2019 and will be conducted in English.