Democracy on tour:

Nordic and Baltic Democracy Festivals 2024

The Nordic Council of Ministers is hosting debates at six Nordic and three Baltic democracy festivals this summer. Politicians, civil society, experts, young people and businesses have all been invited to talk directly with people in their countries. 


Throughout the summer, you can meet us, the Nordic institutions and our partners at democracy festivals across the Nordic and Baltic regions.

This year, Nordic co-operation is focusing on resilience, security, freedom of movement and circular and green societies, themes that recur in all of the Nordic and Baltic democracy festivals we are attending.

Nordic venues

Nordic venues

29–30 May: Järva Week, Sweden

Järva Week will be held in the Spånga athletics facility, Stockholm. It will be the first time the Nordic Council of Ministers has participated, and we will have our own tent and seminar. 


13–15 June: The People’s Festival, Denmark

The People's Festival is Denmark's largest democracy festival. The Nordic Council of Ministers will be strongly represented, hosting no fewer than 17 events and focusing on a resilient and green Nordic Region and on the Arctic. 


25–28 June: Almedalen Week, Sweden 

Green transition, happiness, resilience, sustainable consumption and artificial intelligence will be some of the topics addressed in the Nordic Tent during Almedalen Week. The Nordic Council of Ministers and its partners are hosting ten events in the Nordic Tent on 25 June. 


25–28 June: SuomiAreena, Finland

Cultural co-operation for a sustainable future and ways of promoting peace and prosperity in a world marked by crises will be on the agenda at this year's SuomiAreena. Other debates will concern responsible consumption and how the Nordic Region can lead the world in the ethical use of artificial intelligence.


12–16 August: Arendal Week, Norway

Is the Nordic Region prepared for new crises? Resilience, life after the green transition – and how to get there – make up the main theme for the Nordic Tent in Arendal this year.  


17–19 October: Arctic Circle, Iceland 

Arctic Circle is the biggest network for international dialogue and co-operation on the future of the Arctic region. Official bodies, organisations, companies, universities, think tanks, environmental groups, indigenous communities, concerned citizens and all sorts of other people all take part in this open and democratic platform.

Photo: Andreas Omvik/

Baltic arenas

Baltic venues


15–17 May: Tartu, Estonia


5–6 July: LAMPA Conversation Festival, Latvia


9–10 August: The Opinion Festival, Estonia

Photo: Andreas Omvik/

Event in focus

How can we stop greenwashing, give consumers more power and boost green competition?

More sustainable consumption is an urgent priority. One of the obstacles to it is greenwashing. However, the EU is now taking a tough stance against misleading marketing, which will provide a boost for the Nordic Ecolabel.

25 June 2024, 12:00–12:45


The Nordic Council of Ministers is participating in seven democracy festivals this year in Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Estonia and Latvia, as well as the Arctic Circle in Iceland. A total of around 400 decision-makers from the public and private sectors, civil society, opinion makers, experts, young people and more will take part in the Nordic programme, all with their own views on the added value that Nordic co-operation brings.

Er Norden forberedt på fremtidige kriser? Hvordan blir hverdagen i det klimavennlige samfunnet i 2050? Finnes det etiske måter å bruke AI på? Hvordan bør Norden forholde seg til Arktis? Hvilke fordeler gir åpne grenser de 27 millioner innbyggerne i Norden?

Video: Norden på Folkemødet 2023

Hear what the People's Festival and the Nordic democracy festivals mean to the former Danish Minister for Co-operation, Louise Schack Elholm, the Director General of the Nordic Council, Kristina Háfoss, the former President of the Nordic Youth Council Rasmus Emborg, and many more.



Please direct questions, media inquiries, etc. to:

Silja Elvarsdóttir

Mikael Carboni Kelk
+45 60 39 42 57

News from the democracy festivals