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Calls for more active Nordic-Baltic co-operation on energy

09.03.15 | Fréttir
Johannes Jansson/norden.org
Future energy solutions must be increasingly based on renewable energy. In the last week of February, the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Tallinn office held a seminar to highlight new perspectives on the development and potential for renewable solutions.

“The Nordic and Baltic countries share the same views on sustainable energy production, an open and efficient energy market, and security of supply,” said Johan Vetlesen, Deputy Director General at Norway’s Ministry of Petroleum and Energy. He believes that the prospects for increased co-operation are good, and says it would be wise for the two regions to work together more closely with regard to the “tools” and opportunities to which each country has access.

“Co-operation on energy in the Nordic Region is already affected by developments in the Baltic energy sector, and the Nordic countries must go along with the EU’s Baltic Energy Market Integration Plan,” Vetlesen stresses.

One of the issues discussed at the seminar was the extent to which renewable energy capacity can be used to generate electricity in the two regions. The conclusion was clear; there are no technological barriers to greater use of renewables provided the political inclination and financial resources are available.

Estonia’s Minister of Economic Affairs and Infrastructure, Urve Palo, was another speaker at the conference and stressed the need for closer co-operation between the neighbouring countries when new energy policy guidelines are developed. 

An extended report on the seminar (in English) can be read here.