Culture ministers support live music

02.11.16 | News
Kulturministrar 2016
Johannes Jansson/
The culture ministers have earmarked an initial sum of DKK 1 million to fund a three-year programme to promote live music. The Nordic Cultural Fund will administer the programme, which seeks to increase the number of live venues in the Region.

Music initiative 2017–19

The programme is designed to increase the number of live venues in the Region, improve career opportunities for musicians, enhance Nordic music’s export potential, strengthen networks of promoters, develop musical talent and boost the identity of Nordic music, especially among the younger generation. The Cultural Fund has spent 18 months planning the initiative, which will launch in December 2016, and has ring-fenced funding for the three-year period.

Nordic Matters

Exactly a year after the culture ministers decided to help fund a Nordic festival at the Southbank Centre in London in 2017, the British organisers have now confirmed some of the names who will appear at Nordic Matters. The ministers are looking forward to a fascinating programme.

“The Nordic Council of Ministers is proud to be working with the South Bank Centre on Nordic Matters. It's a fantastic opportunity to facilitate and feature Nordic art and culture outside the Region – and especially to draw attention to gender equality, sustainability and children and young people. Cultural exchanges between the Nordic and British artists and audiences will be important and integral aspects of Nordic Matters,” the culture ministers said.

In November 2015, the ministers chose the Southbank Centre – one of several venues abroad to apply – as the focal point for a new showcase for Nordic art and culture.  The programme focuses on key Nordic themes such as play, sustainability and equality and will be a core part of the work of the Southbank Centre in 2017.

The official opening of Nordic Matters will be on 13 January, when the culture ministers will attend an opening event along with British colleagues.


  • See news item on Nordic Matters from the Southbank Centre



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