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Nordic Dialogue on the Agenda in Jakarta

03.05.17 | Uutinen
Mogens Blicher Bjerregård og Per Lundgren på World Press Freedom Day i Jakarta
Per Lundgren/
Go online and be abused – is a risk in some debates on social media. 14 authors, journalists, academics and a poet address hate speech, fake news, abusing online, algorithm as new editor etc. and by giving answers in a new Nordic debate book to be launched in Copenhagen later in May.

The Nordic Council of Ministers took the opportunity At UNESCO World Press Freedom Day, 3rd of May in Jakarta to prelaunch the book by an appetizer, a booklet with summaries in English.

Hosting a roundtable, 25 high level experts contributed to the project. Among the reflections were some key statements as “If you include young people at an early stage, you don’t have to convince them later” and to counter threats and hate speech online, we should develop media literacy tools for all.

The significant contribution from media experts, UNESCO-commissions and delegations, NGO’s, academics and a group of young journalists from South East Asia is of high value for the ongoing project.

-The stories in the new Nordic debate book show that even though Nordic countries are top ranked in global press indexes regarding press freedom, efforts to develop democracy in our countries need to continue to include and engage new generations in particular”, said Per Lundgren, senior advisor, Nordic Council of Ministers.

Co-editor, president of European Federation of Journalists, Mogens Blicher Bjerregård says:

-One of the strength in this project is the very concrete stories presented in the book in a format, where the messages reach both the politicians as decision-makers and the citizens to be encouraged to table the demands.

Nordic Council of Ministers will now follow up the ideas and results from the round table.

Nordic voices on freedom of expression