Nordic Co-operation Programme on Energy Policy 2022–2024


The Nordic energy ministers present a new Nordic energy policy co-operation programme for the period 2022–2024.The Nordic Region wants to be the most sustainable and integrated region in the world by 2030, and that is also the overall vision for co-operation on energy.  A green transition of the Nordic societies will not be possible without a substantial green energy transition. As the Nordic energy systems are closely linked, working together on joint initiatives will lead to a green transition that is more cost-effective and socially sustainable than if the countries were each to achieve the goals individually.In 2020, the Nordic Council of Ministers for Energy Policy (MR-E) adopted seven focus areas as input into the action plan for Our Vision 2030. These will structure Nordic energy co-operation during the period covered by the programme and be at the heart of all of the work:- The green transition of the energy sector- Closer collaboration on research to aid the green transition- Nordic co-operation in the electricity market- Energy efficiency, technology and behavioural change- Working together on EU/EEA-related energy questions- Social acceptance of new energy plants and the green transition- The green transition of the transport sector.