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Invitation to Tender: Contract for Nordic-Baltic Cross-Border User Stories

10.09.24 | Tukimahdollisuudet
The Nordic Council of Ministers announces a tender for a contract on "Nordic-Baltic Cross-Border User Stories".


Julkiset hankinnat
Pe, 2024/09/27 - 12:00
DKK 1,450,000

The tenderer is expected to deliver user stories that reflect common activities and experiences of cross-border mobility situations in the Nordic-Baltic region and what types of service interactions that can be experienced across the user’s journey.


The assignment includes a two-fold focus: 

  • Mapping and a short analysis of Nordic-Baltic life event organization of digital policies.
  • In-depth analysis of prioritized user stories.


Across the Nordic-Baltic region, life events are embedded in national digital strategies, with different nuances, scope, and linkages to digital mobility. Today, citizens and businesses that want to move to another country in the region need to interact with a range of authorities and specific services. 


To identify where and how resources could be allocated or prioritized to further develop cross-border digital services, knowledge about the users moving from one country to another, their experiences in doing so, and what interactions and services need to be completed, is fundamental.


The overall objective of this assignment is to deliver a description and analysis of various aspects on cross-border user stories from the Nordic-Baltic region. The user stories delivered are expected to reflect experiences when moving abroad to e.g., study, work or start a company in another country in the Nordic-Baltic region.


The intention is that the description and analysis of prioritized cross-border user stories to the region support public authorities and existing governmental cooperation, both public and private-public, in prioritizing resources for future cross-border collaborations. 

How to participate in the tender

Access to the tender material is provided in the Mercell tender system via this link:

The value of the contract

There is competition on price, but a maximum price of DKK 1,450,000 has been set.


Closing date for tenders

The closing date for tenders is 27. September 2024 at 12.00.

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