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Investigation into increased co-operation between China and the Nordic Council of Ministers

04.02.16 | Fréttir
Mats Holmström/norden.org
At their meeting on 3 February, the Ministers for Nordic Co-operation decided to investigate the potential for developing a closer relationship between the Nordic Council of Ministers and China. This investigation will be conducted during 2016 and 2017.

The ministers stress that co-operation between China and the Nordic Council of Ministers will not replace the bilateral relations of the individual countries with China, or the EU’s relationship with China, but will complement and bolster them.

The Nordic countries and China have traditionally worked together in a variety of areas. This co-operation is particularly important for the business sector of the Nordic countries.

Co-operation between the Nordic Council of Ministers and China is being studied within the framework of the council of ministers’ scope of activities.

China is also an area of interest bearing in mind the international branding of the Nordic Region, as previously adopted by the Ministers for Nordic Co-operation.

In theory, there is potential for expanding co-operation between our Region and China in several areas, including research and innovation, green growth, environmental solutions, the Arctic, as well as health and social issues. The initial focus will be on identifying potential areas for co-operation and studying its constraints and possible structures.