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Nordic support for working with Russia on research and education

18.03.16 | Fréttir
Handelshögskolan i Göteborg
Johannes Jansson/norden.org
The Nordic Council of Ministers has decided to continue with its programme of co-operation with Russia in higher education and research in 2016 and 2017. Applications for funding are now being accepted. The deadline is 3 May.

The Nordic Council of Ministers (NMR) has allocated DKK 14 million to the two-year programme, half for joint education and training projects, half for joint research projects.

The research part of the programme is being run by NordForsk, one of the NMR’s institutions, the higher education part by the Norwegian Centre for International Co-operation in Education (SIU) in Bergen on behalf of the NMR.

It is envisaged that applications for research funding will come from the existing Nordic Centres of Excellence as well as research projects already funded by NordForsk. Submit applications for research funding to NordForsk.

Submit applications for higher education projects to SIU.

The Nordic-Russian co-operation programme is based on a mutual understanding agreement between the NMR and the Russian Ministry of Education and Research. Under the terms of the agreement Russian partners must match the sums put up by the Nordic partners.

The research and education programme is the NMR’s biggest collaborative programme with Russia.