Sisältöä ei ole saatavilla valitsemallasi kielellä, joten se näytetään kielellä Englanti.

Responsibility for the Arctic

07.05.15 | Uutinen
Møde for samarbejdsministrene i Grønland, marts 2015
Bodil Tingsby
To mark the fact that it is the turn of the United States to chair the Arctic Council, the US Embassy in Copenhagen and the Nordic Council of Ministers are co-hosting a debate about the Arctic in the offices of the newspaper Politiken on 11 May.

Climate change and its impact on development in the Arctic are a top priority for the US on the Arctic Council. “The Blue Arctic”, which looks at ways for the Arctic and Nordic countries to promote sustainable development in the Region, is also a key theme of the Danish Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers in 2015. The debate will focus on how the United States and the Nordic countries can work together on challenges and opportunities in the Arctic.


Karl Stoltz, Deputy Chief of Mission, US Embassy in Denmark
Kenneth Broman, Chief of Staff, Nordic Council of Ministers
Julia Gourley, US Senior Arctic Official
Erik Vilstrup Lorenzen, Arctic Ambassador to Denmark
Gitte Seeberg, CEO, WWF
Cathleen Kelly, Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress
Marianne Røgeberg, Head of Arctic Affairs, Nordforsk
Margareta Johansson, Researcher, Lund University
Chair: Jakob Nielsen, Politiken
The debate will be in English.

Tickets are on sale from Politiken

Please send questions in advance to @REHNordicBaltic and follow the debate on #onearctic and #nordenen

Watch the debate live here